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Well this season 2 part 1 was nowhere as good as season 1 but it's still very good cause the plot still confuses me or it just feels slower but hey maybe that's just me. Hope the 2nd part will be somewhat better compared to this one.
An odd season...but I suppose since things were more basic and purely physical in season 1, it makes sense how much more mental and psychological things got by season 2...I MISS PETELGEUSE ROMANI KONJI T<T HE WAS FUNNY
"As far as I'm concerned, every single one of you is a monster beyond comprehension..."
- Subaru, after all the witches just helped him (AGAIN).
Seriously, this is why I'm starting to hate him. He treats nearly everyone like crap, despite their words or actions, yet he claims he's trying to go out & "save" them all. You've got the hots for Emilia & Rem, so they get treated differently. Everyone else is just a tool or someone he can take or leave when they're valuable.
After rewatching this season, I haven't seen any of these witches be "monsters" towards him. The closest one came was Satella hurting his friends in one timeline. Aside from that, they've all tried to help him or offer him help, and he just throws it back in their faces even when HE'S THE ONE CALLING OUT TO THEM FOR HELP!
It's like just because they're called "witches," he feels entitled to treating them like sh*t. It's so annoying.
“No, you can’t have a show where everybody’s Krillin!” – Shinpachi
I didn’t expect Satella to be the one to knock some sense into Subaru, but in hindsight, it was obvious from the start. People often assume that self-sacrifice is justified if it’s for the sake of others, but that’s not always the case. Loving ourselves is one way to repay someone’s love. Damn, this show is so good. I don’t even know anymore what’s right and wrong, or who’s good and who’s bad. Definitely a 10/10 show.
Excellent episode, more than a tea party it was a therapy session and torture at the same time, I like that each witch has her reason to help Subaru and that the result is something simple but I don't know if it's something easy to do/ yourself, the jealousy witch is looking to die ? but he's going to save her ? like the first episode.... mmm now I'm considering a bit more my theory that Subaru caused this by somehow affecting space-time, but I don't know how to explain it so it must just be crazy ideas I have.
I didn't remember but with the current data it was OBVIOUS that Roswaal had high probabilities of being the one who is provoking the attack to the mansion, it's incredible what he is willing to do to achieve his goals, another very good selfish character although in this anime there are many haha
PS: Excellent first part, as I mentioned it can be somewhat repetitive because it seems that the plot does not advance haha and overwhelming by the amount of information they give you but still I love it but nothing beats the first season
Satella confronts Subaru and tells him to love himself more. Subaru realizes that Roswaal is a madman and tries to flee. Otto stops him and gets him to rely on others for help.
Back at the beginning, when Roswaal was introduced I knew he was a bad guy. It was furthered by him checking on "progress" with Rom. Then when his shirt was shown from chest down in a quick shot when they started battling the Witch's Cult it became pretty obvious.
And this episode finally confirmed it.
Looking forward to see how Subaru gets past all the dumb shit he did in the next part of season 2. Not asking Beatrice the question and saying Roswell is him, not spending time refining his fighting and magic use while utilizing Return from Death, not expanding options to gather intel and using Return from Death, and never pressing those he does talk to for more information right away. Splitting his questions between like 4 deaths is just dumb because people who are opening up about stuff just see his questions further down the line as out of nowhere and him as an either a moron or a lucky guesser.