MarkHyuck Being Obvious For Almost 15 mins 🦁💘🐻
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Yo family I hope y'all are doing Wonderful 💖✨ MARKHYUCK ARE WILDIN NOWADAYS OOF AND I LOVE IT!!! MarkHyuck the superior ship 💖✊🏻
Stay Safe loves 💕
BABY DON'T LIKE IT PIANO COVER : • [piano] NCT127 - Baby ...
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BABY DON'T LIKE IT PIANO COVER : • [piano] NCT127 - Baby ...
#Markhyuck #HaeMark #Marklee #Haechan #Minhyung
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whoever decided to put Markhyuck together in that photoshoot deserves a raise
true cause they knew what they were doing
Jaemin ah you’re being praised
Mlm 0 mlm ll
Mark calling Haechan the devil because he's leading him into temptation 😌
The way Hyuck always slides in when he gives Mark back hugs 🥺🥺🥺
ok but the way they look at each other is just out of the world uwu
Amount of backhugs in this vid...
They really are soulmates
11:03 they didn't forget that they were on live they didn't knew that they were on live. It was when the live was starting and jungwoo couldn't see that the live had started on his phone so he said that the live is not showing yet. When jungwoo could finally see the live in his phone he told them and markhyuk stopped what they were doing
6:37 one of these days mark is just going to just go in for the kiss just to see haechan’s reaction lol
as if he hasn't already lol
like Jaemin did 🤣
Send help- that’s literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Mark is really getting into the feeling
the way that they look at each other and when one talks they give full attention I-
Markhyuck are literally soulmates like they are perfect for each other, I really need a friendship like that 😭✋🏻
7:35 I’ve seen this may times but I didn’t even realise he was sitting on Mark’s lap until I saw this video😳🔥 Thanks for pointing that out💚
omg, same!!
They just emm emmm CUTEEEEE u know!! Full of dramas and conflicts😌
ok but their love language is physical touch and words of affirmation like ackkk thats so cute
im crying like dude markhyuck is the precious-est couple in the space like literally
I'm jealous. I want this too. What ever the relationship may called, but i want it. I want someone who look at me like Mark, and want someone who hugs me from back like Donghyuck. 😭
they're both 5'9" but hyuck so smol with mark❤
I love the backhug its really romantic for me.
I just realised their ship name could have been 'Dork' 😃
it's always the calm one and wild one
Not infront of Jaemin's salad-
Thanks for your hardwork,really enjoyed from this video and MarkHyuck 💪💚
Jaemin salad is occupied with Jeno
How come they’re so close like this while me and my friend for 14 years are hitting each other all the time and just tripping in the streets
omg you're finally back with Markhyuck!
Who don't love Echaaan??he is over cute 😭😭😍💚
they're in love with each other 👁️👄👁️
love your markhyuck videos
I missed your videos😭💚 Btw we are getting so many interactions this year gosh * cries * I love them so much!!!!
My markhyuk heart uwu 🥺🥺
12:59 haechan omgggg he sounds so sweet thereeee😊😭
13:15 wait wait wait- did I hear that right? - 👁️👄👁️
5:14 everyone say thank you jungwoo
Now imagine mark seeing this :)
Ahhh sooo lovely!
I missed your channel I mean I've been looking every markhyuck video you droped:D and I liked and comment those time like two years ago?and i just remmembered and here I am again.I always have/had fun watching videos from your channel.
I'm so thankful.
you still use"let get it"mark's sound and the background is similar i'm soft😭
I really miss markhyuck moments
not me singing Baby dont like it.
2:02 Kira and L be like
I can’t with this two. I don’t want to ship but the way mark eyes tells the different tho.
I was waiting for your video
Okay is no one gonna talk about the “babe” in 12:24 ?
I was like: well, they are couple, there is no doubt
10:55 I had seen someone else say this was before they knew the live was started yet (?) and that when he was leaned close they were talking quietly, also why hyuck back up so quickly was bc someone had mentioned it being started now and then mark had slightly pushed him away with his arm if you look close ( also if this is completely wrong I’m sorry 😭 I’ve never seen that vlive myself so idk )
My heart flutters aggresively 😂
What're you doing to me guys?? 😭😂
I ❤️ this account so much 🌈🌈🌈 thank's for ur video:)
You're welcome loveee 💖
Crying crying crying of singleness I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE
Guys mark really needs to make a decision..whether it's kai, heachan or yuta or even jungwoo.
The closer he is to someone the more attracted they will become.
(I prefer kaimark)
Mark out here collecting men like pokemons
@@ИмяФамилия-ф2д8ш no one can resist the mark lee effect
It really seems to be true. The people closest to him are all whipped. Even Johnny, in a low-key way.
@@jiminhart well if johnny is, very soon he won't be able to hide it
N u have a good point!
@@ИмяФамилия-ф2д8ш 😂😂😂
9:26 can i get the link of the full clip??
One dislike from...
At 2:03, where can i watch that content?? 😭 anyone pls
They had me when they bought wedding rings from tiffany and co
5:17 can you give me the full video?🙏
It's been a minute!! ❤❤❤❤
Estos dos se reeee comeeeen todooooo
@GoldenMakgirl 31 bueno, es personal si crees que son algo más que una amistad, pero eso debe quedar solo en ti, es decir, no podemos asegurarlo ya que nadie lo sabe más que ellos mismo y si ellos dicen ser buenos amigos debemos respetar eso, pero podemos shippearlos y yo digo que se reeee comeeeen todooo aaaaaaaaaaahhhh
adaa yg nyadar ga sih kalo baju mereka selalu serasi ❤❤❤
12:44 can someone tell me where this video is from?
Dreamies 🥰
they real we fake =))
I have a question and this is something that I’ve been thinking about for a min and I might be dumb for asking this but
Who would you say is the dominant in this realtionship because I can’t really decide honestly
bruh neither they're both a mess💀💀
2:30 whr its from 😍
I’m fake, my OTP is real 😭💚
Please make jeno love haechan very much
5:21 pls tell me where i can find it
4:39 can you pls tell me where can i find this video
Search Nct dream "Dream concert" performance 2021
@@ameee7902 ok thank u 💚
I love these two, but I still stan YuMark and TaeilHaechan.
I miss🐰 Dotae🌹 so much can you made dotae ✨2021✨ moment please🙏😥😢
Plz rp
0:30 where can i watch this? 😭😭😭😭видео.html
The sound of mmh when Mark was touching Haechan's but it was Lucas? I think that i remember that bcuz Lucas make that sound when something was talking about bananas hahaahah
1:57 who is this??
Its Ateez
Drama name? 1:51
Secret garden
Do you have another channel called minsung. forever?
No.. I don't !
They posted one of your minsung videos so I just wanted to inform youвидео.html
@@knowinglee7165 Oh my- 👁️👄👁️ thanks for informing love! 💖 Will sort it out ASAP
@@MyShipMyRules No problem 💜